Enter a world beyond time, where light and dreams intertwine to create a magical atmosphere. Inspired by the world of children and surrealism, we transport you into a series of fascinating visuals, mixing poetry and mystery.

Ganymede, the unique

Succumb to the enchantment of Ganymede, voted best niche perfume in the world (FIFI Awards 2020)

Our discovery box

A perfect gift to give yourself or to offer to discover the perfumes of the Maison.

Our scented candles

Our candles transform every space into a place of serenity and dreams.

“Every creation is a star that lights up our dreams”


Offering a MARC-ANTOINE BARROIS perfume or candle is much more than a simple gift, it is an invitation to travel in a world of luxury and dreams. Our creations will delight those looking for a unique experience.